Medios de cobro y pago en el comercio internacional
Pardo Lidón, F. J. (Autor)
Este libro pretende ser una guía útil para todas aquellas personas interesadas en el estudio de los medios de cobro y pago empleados en el comercio internacional. A partir del examen de la normativa nacional e internacional que los regula, se analizan los aspectos jurídicos más relevantes asociados a su uso. Asimismo, con la finalidad de facilitar al lector la comprensión del proceso de pago de una compraventa internacional y familiarizarlo con el empleo de los diferentes medios de pago, se ha hecho uso de diversos diagramas que muestran de forma simplificada la secuencia de ejecución de un cobro o pago al exterior, ilustrando con ejemplos la problemática aparejada a su utilización y reproduciendo los documentos más importantes empleados. El libro incluye también diversas cuestiones y ejercicios al final de cada capítulo.

The Handbook of International Trade and Finance : The Complete Guide for International Sales, Finance, Shipping and Administration
Anders Grath (Autor)
International trade, and its financing, is now a key component of many undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. For anyone involved in international sales, finance, shipping and administration, or for those studying for academic or professional qualifications in international trade, The Handbook of International Trade and Finance offers an extensive and topical explanation of the key finance areas. This essential reference resource provides the information necessary to help you to reduce risks and improve cash flow, identify the most competitive finance alternatives, structure the best payment terms, and minimize finance and transaction costs...

International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law : Essays in Honour of Roderick A Macdonald
Spyridon V Bazinas y Orkun Akseli (Autores)
The law of secured transactions has seen dramatic changes in the last decade. International organisations, particularly the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), have been working towards the creation of international legal standards aimed at the modernisation and harmonisation of secured financing laws (eg, the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade, the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions and its Intellectual Property Supplement, the UNCITRAL Guide on the Implementation of a Security Rights Registry and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions).The overall theme of this book is international (or cross-border) secured transactions law. It assembles contributions from some of the most authoritative academic voices on secured financing law. This publication will be of interest to those involved in secured transactions around the world, including policy-makers, practitioners, judges, arbitrators and academics.
International Transactions in Remittances : Guide for Compilers and Users
Oficina de Estadística de las Comunidades Europeas Fondo Monetario (Autor)
The International Transactions in Remittance: Guide for Compilers and Users (RCG) presents concepts, definitions, and classifications related to remittances. It is consistent with the new standards for measuring balance of payments transactions, as contained in the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). These standards are used globally to compile comprehensive and comparable data. The RCG identifies the main remittances compilation methods currently being used by compilers and discusses in detail the strengths and weaknesses of each method. It is the first manual providing compilation guidance for remittances and is also the first compilation guide based on concepts set out in BPM6. Although the RCG is primarily aimed at remittances data compilers, it may also be useful for users who wish to understand remittances data.
The Economic Security of Business Transactions
Konrad Raczkowski y Friedrich Schneider (Autores)
The Economic Security of Business Transactions'covers such aspects as: management in the economic system; commercial risk in domestic and international transactions; an assessment of partners; unofficial economy and the state budget; economic security business; the role and importance of law in business. The book looks at the threats and risks arising from international trade and operating leading businesses, plus the role of the State. It examines the required new forms, methods and approaches for management. This has significant implications for the businesses concerned and the State's role. ‘The Economic Security of Business Transactions'includes coverage of internal company factors, tax evasion and tax avoidance; the book also looks at the level of involvement of the State (especially the EU's Common Market). This leads to abuses and distortions in the area of the competitiveness of enterprises and countries'competitiveness; it also changes the perception of contemporary economic security...

Foreign Exchange Rates and International Finance
John N. Kallianiotis (Autor)
This book deals with international finance and the role of the foreign exchange rates in our economies. It is constituted from twelve chapters, from the history of our monetary system to the balance of payments and from the exchange rates to multinational businesses and their management. The internationalization of business, the interdependence and conflicts among nations, the enormous capital mobility, the foreign exchange market that provides the payments and instruments for all these international transactions, the risk that is involved among markets, economies, and businesses all require studies, instruments, insurance policies, management, correct public policies, and empirical work on international financial transactions, cultures, and the different value systems, so a finance or political science (undergraduate or graduate) student, a professional, a trader, or any other individual interested in international business could be able to deal with all these conflicts, challenges, and adversities, which their trend is incremental. Also, the role of the exchange rate and trade policies in improving the trade account and the social welfare of the country's citizens are considered and examined in detail. Further, the determination and forecasting of the exchange rate are analyzed by using economic theories, mathematics and statistical models. The foreign exchange exposure (risk) is measured and managed by using hedging techniques. The multinational corporations and their cost of capital is covered extensively.
Localization Strategies for Global E-Business
Nitish Singh (Autor)
The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opportunities for business expansion. One of the quickest ways to achieve effective international expansion is by leveraging the web, which allows for technological connectivity of global markets and opportunities to compete on a global basis. To systematically engage and thrive in this networked global economy, professionals and students need a new skill set; one that can help them develop, manage, assess and optimize efforts to successfully launch websites for tapping global markets. This book provides a comprehensive, non-technical guide to leveraging website localization strategies for global e-commerce success. It contains a wealth of information and advice, including strategic insights into how international business needs to evolve and adapt in light of the rapid proliferation of the'Global Internet Economy'. It also features step-by-step guidelines to developing, managing and optimizing international-multilingual websites and insights into cutting-edge web localization strategies.
Ecommerce and Cross Border Taxation
Richards, William (Autor)
Electronic commerce by its very innovative nature has engendered a novel application of past precedents. In the application of concepts of cross border taxation, it embraces traditional questions of source and resident taxation. Initially these principles were developed domestically. What has transpired in the development has been an evolution of the Due Process and commerce clauses of the United States. This evolution of constitutional considerations resulted because electronic commerce made for a complex determination of which domestic state had jurisdiction to tax electronic commerce. It brushed up against precedent notions of how the Due Process and Commerce Clause had been analyzed in terms of activities sourced and effects upon those whose borders are crossed.
Currency : Fundamentals and Functions
Richards, William (Autor)
This text is designed to establish an understanding of the fundamentals of currency. It provides a cursory overview of the international Monetary System of which currency is the core. To enhance the readers'foundation, the second phase of the text provides an explanation of how and why the International Monetary Fund was established. That formation is tracked from initial formation of a fixed par value to our modern day system of floating exchange rates. With those fundamentals established, a presentation is provided to enable the reader to entertain the basic functioning of currency in the context of a global setting; the functioning of domestic international markets and external-Eurocurrency markets. That function process introduces sovereign and credit risks that accompany currency in the International Monetary System. A brief but concise presentation is provided to the reader to explain the source of these risks and the reason. Lastly, currency in itself has taxable transaction features. In a global setting it necessitates recognition of a means to manage those risks inherent in global trade, external currency markets, and capital investment. These facets are explained and documented.
Digital Currency: An International Legal and Regulatory Compliance Guide
Matsuura, Jeffrey H.(Autor)
Digital or'virtual'currencies pose significant challenges for government, financial and legal institutions because of their non-physical nature and their relative anonymity to physical currency. These attributes make this form of exchange extremely volatile and, at the same time, attractive to criminals. Many countries around the world have, therefore issued warnings against the use of digital currencies and have enacted laws to regulate and in some cases, restrict their use among members under their respective jurisdictions. Digital Currency: An International Legal and Regulatory Compliance Guide serves as a primer for both general and specialized readers, as well as business law and e-commerce teachers and students, to recognize and understand the extensive network of laws and regulations already in place around the world which have a profound impact on the creation, distribution and use of digital currency and blockchain technology.