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Mujeres ante la crisis económica global: empoderamiento y precariedad


Bermúdez Urbina, Flor (Autora)


En este libro son transversales los conceptos de crisis económica, precariedad y empoderamiento, temas que abren un campo de debate importante para los estudios de género y economía. En todos los capítulos que componen esta obra, los dos últimos conceptos emergen, en ocasiones contradictoriamente, dado que existen experiencias documentadas de mujeres y grupos de mujeres empoderadas en condiciones de precariedad, y otras cuya precariedad acentuada impide cualquier viso de empoderamiento. No se busca llegar a una conclusión respecto a si las mujeres están más empoderadas o más excluidas en el contexto neoliberal actual, sino que se invita a pensar en procesos diferentes y contrastantes que ocurren de manera simultánea, que no son concluyentes ni deben reiterar argumentos victimizantes o sobreestimadores. Más bien, se busca dar cuenta de algunos elementos y mostrar la complejidad de los contextos en donde lo local y lo global aparecen permanentemente en tensión.

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Women, Peace, and Security : Feminist Perspectives on International Security


Caroline Leprince y Cassandra Steer (Autoras)


Greater participation by women in peace negotiations, policy-making, and legal decision-making would have a lasting impact on conflict resolution, development, and the maintenance of peace in post-conflict zones. Women, Peace, and Security lays the groundwork for this enhanced participation, drawing from insightful research by women scholars and applying a feminist lens to contemporary security issues.This timely collection of essays promotes the adoption of a feminist framework for international security issues and presents the voices of some of the most inspiring thinkers in feminist international relations in Canada. Women, Peace, and Security provides insightful recommendations to researchers conducting fieldwork, as well as methodological insights on how to develop feminist research design in international relations and how to adopt feminist ethical considerations. Contributions include gender-based analyses of the challenges faced by the Canadian military and by families of serving members. From Canada's Famous Five to the women's marches of 2017, lessons are drawn to inform new generations of women activists, concluding with a clarion call for greater allyship with Indigenous women and girls to support decolonization efforts in Canada.Offering a unique range of perspectives, narratives, and contributions to international relations and international law, this volume brings women's voices to the forefront of vital conversations about fundamental peace and security challenges.

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Women and Gender in International History : Theory and Practice


Karen Garner (Autora)


Most governments and global political organizations have been dominated by male leaders and structures that institutionalize male privilege. As Women and Gender in International History reveals, however, women have participated in and influenced the traditional concerns of international history even as they have expanded those concerns in new directions. Karen Garner provides a timely synthesis of key scholarship and establishes the influential roles that women and gender power relations have wielded in determining the course of international history. From the early-20th century onward, women have participated in state-to-state relations and decisions about when to pursue diplomacy or when to go to war to settle international conflicts. Particular women, as well as masculine and feminine gender role constructs, have also influenced the establishment and evolution of intergovernmental organizations and their political, social and economic policy making regimes and agencies. Additionally, feminists have critiqued male-dominated diplomatic establishment and intergovernmental organizations and have proposed alternative theories and practices.This text integrates women, and gender and feminist analyses, into the study of international history in order to produce a broader understanding of processes of international change during the 20th and 21st centuries.

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Women’s Perspectives on Human Security : Violence, Environment, and Sustainability


Richard Matthew, Patricia A. Weitsman, Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Nora Davis y Tera Dornfeld (Autores)


Violent conflict, climate change, and poverty present distinct threats to women worldwide. Importantly, women are leading the way creating and sharing sustainable solutions.Women's security is a valuable analytical tool as well as a political agenda insofar as it addresses the specific problems affecting women's ability to live dignified, free, and secure lives. First, this collection focuses on how conflict impacts women's lives and well-being, including rape and gendered constructions of ethnicity, race, and religion. The book's second section looks beyond the scope of large-scale violence to examine human security in terms of environmental policy, food, water, health, and economics.Multidisciplinary in scope, these essays from new and established contributors draw from gender studies, international relations, criminology, political science, economics, sociology, biological and ecological sciences, and planning.

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Women's Global Health : Norms and State Policies


Lyn Boyd-Judson y Patrick James (Autores)


For many women around the globe, health has become the central intersection of the personal and the political; women's bodies are the arena for policy debates about population, poverty, reproduction, and morality. Women's Global Health: Norms and State Policies is a comprehensive assessment of health for women around the globe that will inform debates underway in a wide range of disciplines. These fields include public health, most obviously, but also sociology, anthropology and other disciplines. This book will advance the interdisciplinary fields of ethics, women's studies, and international studies. It answers several questions with implications for knowledge in the preceding fields, along with relevance to policy. Some of these complex questions include: How do the laws and policies of a nation-state affect women's health? Is the state invested in these issues because women are seen to be bearers and nurturers of future citizens? Or are there other concerns such as economic development, human welfare, or religious ideology that shape this engagement? This book also examines the current and historical responsibilities of the state in addressing women's health issues, and how these responsibilities can they be measured and improved upon. Finally, the book looks at how to best approach the underlying ethical issues in practical and useful ways for women around the globe.

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Black Women and International Law : Deliberate Interactions, Movements and Actions


Jeremy I. Levitt (Autor)


From Compton to Cairo, Bahia to Brixton, black women have been disproportionally affected by poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, discrimination and violence. Despite being one of the largest and geographically dispersed groups in the world, they are rarely referenced or considered as a subject of analysis in international law literature. Thus, it is vital that scholars refashion global discourse by re-conceptualizing international law and relations from their unique experiences and perspectives. This collection covers a broad range of topics and issues that examine the complex interactions - as subjects and objects - between black women and international law. The book critically explores the manifold relationship between them with a view toward highlighting the historic and contemporary ways in which they have influenced and been influenced by transnational law, doctrine, norms, jurisprudence, public policy, public discourse and global governance. It purports to unearth old law and fashion new paradigms born out of the experiences of black women.

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Women in Peace Politics


Paula Banerjee (Autora)


Women in Peace Politics explores the role of women as agents and visionaries of peace in South Asia. Peace is redefined to include in its fold the attempt by women to be a part of the peace making process, reworking the structural inequalities faced by them and their struggle against all forms of oppression. This volume, the third in the series of the South Asia Peace Studies, deals with the myriad dimensions of peace as practised by South Asian women over a period of time. It chronicles the lives of'ordinary'women—their transformative role in peace and an attempt to create a space of their own. Their peace activism is examined in the historical context of their participation in national liberation movements since the early twentieth century. The articles in the collection adopt a new approach to understanding peace—as a desire to end repression that cuts across caste, class, race and gender and an effort on the part of women to transform their position in society. This compilation would interest a wide readership besides students and scholars of human rights, peace and security studies, politics and international relations..

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Gender, Violence, and Human Security : Critical Feminist Perspectives


Aili Mari Tripp, Myra Marx Ferree y Christina Ewig (Autores)


The nature of human security is changing globally: interstate conflict and even intrastate conflict may be diminishing worldwide, yet threats to individuals and communities persist. Large-scale violence by formal and informal armed forces intersects with interpersonal and domestic forms of violence in mutually reinforcing ways. Gender, Violence, and Human Security takes a critical look at notions of human security and violence through a feminist lens, drawing on both theoretical perspectives and empirical examinations through case studies from a variety of contexts around the globe.This fascinating volume goes beyond existing feminist international relations engagements with security studies to identify not only limitations of the human security approach, but also possible synergies between feminist and human security approaches. Noted scholars Aili Mari Tripp, Myra Marx Ferree, and Christina Ewig, along with their distinguished group of contributors, analyze specific case studies from around the globe, ranging from post-conflict security in Croatia to the relationship between state policy and gender-based crime in the United States. Shifting the focus of the term “human security” from its defensive emphasis to a more proactive notion of peace, the book ultimately calls for addressing the structural issues that give rise to violence. A hard-hitting critique of the ways in which global inequalities are often overlooked by human security theorists, Gender, Violence, and Human Security presents a much-needed intervention into the study of power relations throughout the world.

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Women in Politics : Gender, Power and Development


Mariz Tadros  (Autor)


Women the world over are being prevented from engaging in politics. Women's political leadership of any sort is a rarity and a career in politics rarer still. We have, however, begun to understand what it takes to create an enabling environment for women's political participation.In this exciting and pioneering collection, writers from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East are brought together for the first time to talk explicitly about women's participation in the political scene across the global South. Answering such questions as how women can get political apprenticeship opportunities, how these opportunities translate into the pursuit of a political career, and how these pursuits then influence the kind of political platform women advocate once in power, Women in Politics is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to engage politically.

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Rethinking National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security


Arousi, Fácil (Autor)


At the time of its adoption in October 2000, United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) was hailed as a turning point for women involved in conflicts, peacemaking, peacekeeping and post-conflict reconstruction. Resolution 1325 required all efforts aimed at resolving conflicts and building peace to be inclusive, gender-sensitive and transformative for women. In recent years, National Action Plans (NAPs) on WPS have become one of the most commonly used tools by states to channel, assess and monitor the implementation of resolution 1325 and other UN WPS resolutions. This book presents an edited version of the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on ‘National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security', held in Dublin, Ireland, in May 2016. The workshop brought together representatives from various states, as well as academics, and members of civil society and international organizations, to discuss their experiences with NAPs and to critically reflect on the role of NAPs in supporting the implementation by states of the WPS framework. The aim of this book is to disseminate the key arguments, findings, and recommendations which emerged from the discussions held at the ARW. It includes a summary report which sets out key arguments and recommendations and offers a number of key papers from the ARW, with the intention of contributing to academic and policy debates concerning gender and armed conflict and, more particularly, the WPS framework.

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